Sanctuary and Serenity

Posts Tagged ‘respect

As a child I was hurried to do things before I was ready.  Someone else’s needs always came before mine, and I learned to push my needs to a position of lesser importance.  I may have come to believe that my needs weren’t important.  Others’ timing became my timing.
As I recover from my abuse, I learn that I must come first.  I talk to my child-within about her needs on a daily basis and allow her all the time she needs to do something.  This will become a constant permission-giving process as I affirm my child’s needs as coming first.  Whatever she needs to do, say, or feel, I allow her the time she requires.
I affirm that I have all the time in the world for her each time I give her internal permission to have her needs met.  I no longer allow others’ expectations or timetables to become mine.  I honor and respect my own unique timing and allow my precious child all the time she needs.  She has waited so long – she deserves to finally go at her own pace.

  • serenityunicorn: Ha ha ha.. no, they're Zax!!!
  • Kamden Honickel: They could go over each other.
  • faithfulwoman4you: Some people are drama queens and need a lot of turmoil in their lives!! In a way thats sad, because it is nice to have peace and serenity but alas the